HM Revenue & Customs made inquiries about the tax affairs of 237,215 people last year, compared with about 119,000 in 2011-12 Recent reports show that the number of people being investigated by the taxman has doubled in one year. Figures obtained by a leading national …
Basic PAYE Tools for the 2014 to 2015 tax year HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC’s) Basic PAYE Tools product for the 2014 to 2015 tax year (version 14.0.14168) is now available. This is an update to the existing version, rather …
OVERSEAS TRADE STATISTICS – EU LATEST RELEASE Coverage: United Kingdom Theme: Business & Energy In May 2014 the value of imports fell to £17.5bn, while exports rose to £12.4bn, compared with last month. The difference between EU imports and exports (the …
OVERSEAS TRADE STATISTICS – NON EU LATEST RELEASE In May 2014 the value of exports increased to £13.0bn, while imports showed a smaller increase to £16.4bn, compared with last month. Consequently the UK is a net importer this month, with …
How to pay Class 1A National Insurance This guide tells you about payment options for employers paying Class 1A National Insurance contributions and gives you a reminder of the payment deadlines. If you are looking for guidance on how to …
The FAQ page on the HMRC website has been updated. It can be found at
We are delighted to announce that we moved out of our old office in Gatley and into our new offices in Reddish Stockport. The new premises will provide a better working environment for our staff, new client meeting rooms and …
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will shortly start alerting employers where our records show that they have not made their PAYE or Construction Industry Scheme payments in full by their due date. HMRC carries out payment checks after each monthly …