Every business needs reliable accounts. Apart from being a legal requirement for some businesses, audits provide an accurate snapshot of the business and help you make decisions. Entities such as companies, limited liability partnerships, charities, clubs and associations etc. that meet certain criteria, such as being above a certain size or of public interest, are required by law to have their financial statements audited.
As registered auditors, Montague Kaye has an experienced audit team to help in this area. We undertake audits in a wide variety of sectors such as academy schools, nursing homes, hotels and the leisure industry, IT sector and FCA registered entities. We can also advise on ways your keep your accounting system in good shape, so you maintain control and prevent any financial surprises.
Your business may not require an audit as it doesn’t fall under the requirements of the Companies Act. However, there are times when a business may require an audit, or an audit report, to be written alongside their financial statements, and to comply with accounting standards and principles. It might also need a report on the internal control process to make sure the business is on track, or to highlight areas for improvement.
Contact us for a free initial consultation.